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Status panel

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The status panel gives a quick overview of what is going on in the application at any given point:




It shows the following information:


Acquisition: Indicates wether the acquisition is running or not
Current Task: The current acquisition task e.g. exposing, downloading
Elapsed Time: The elapsed time [s] since the beginning of the last exposure
Exp. Time: The currently used exposure time
Processing: The image processing status
File Name: The name of the file currently being processed
Latest Image: The status and date/time of the last 'Latest Image' save/FTP operation. Appears green if latest image was successfully saved and/or transferred. Turns red if errors have been encountered. Hovering over a red message here will show error information.
Cooling: Information about camera cooling if enabled
Camera Temp: The current camera temperature if the camera supports this


The panel also shows a colour status as follows:


Green -> All Ok
Red -> The system has stopped due to an error. Clicking on the red indicator will show additional exception information



