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Status Webpage (PRO)

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AllSkEye contains a small webserver which can be used to display a basic status information page in any web browser:


The page includes current data as well latest images. The latest image function must be enabled for images to be shown.
It is available on any computer on the local network the AllSkEye computer is connected to






This 'mini webserver' is only intended to allow the monitoring of AllSkEye under a small load i.e. not used by many users at the same time
There is no built in security
The webpage is only accessible on the local network the AllSkEye computer is connected to. Although it is possible to extend this to access the page from anywhere (via port forwarding) please note that this poses significant security risks and is not recommended (a VPN connection to the network would be a better option).







Enable the webserver by ticking the 'Enable Webserver' tick box
Set the port the webserver will be available on (this might be required if another service or application on your computer already uses this port)
Webpage Refresh: The time in seconds after which the website will refresh itself and update the information



Launching the Website


Once enabled the status webpage will be available on the port as set above. It can be opened in any browser as follows:


On the same computer (where AllSkEye is running): http://localhost:portnumber for example http://localhost:5856
On a computer on the same network: http://allskeyecomputerip:portnumber for exampe (where is the IP address of the computer running AllSkEye)


How to find your local IP address:


Please see this article on how to find your local (not public) IP address: