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Subframe Capture

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Subframe Capture


It is possible to only capture a part of the available sensor area when acquiring images. This can be set in the 'General Settings' area of the settings window. Here you need to specify the top left corner coordinates for the subframe to capture as well as the width and height of the frame in pixels:




Please Note:


If you are using the 'Subframe Capture' feature ALL other settings (e.g. output image options) in the application must be made with reference to the subframe i.e. the application no longer uses the full sensor size as a reference. This is also true for dark frame subtraction and bad pixel maps, these will need to be re-created for the new subframe size.


Also, in general the selected subframe will need to be  specific cameras have very specific requirements with regards to subframe sizes. For example ZWO ASI cameras generally require the width of the subframe to be divisible by 8 and additionally for ASI 120 USB2.0 cameras the product of width*height must be divisible by 1024. Please consult your camera manufacturer documentation for more details.