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The application can create up to four different log files (text files) containing all log messages according to their category:


Acquisition Logging
Detection Logging
Image Processing Logging
General Logging





Log files will contain information, status as well as any error messages. It is possible to enable the 'Log Verbose' setting which will log each application action in great detail. It is recommended to only use this setting for tracking down problems as log files will grow quickly when enabled.


Log File Size


The settings allow a size limit of log files to be set. If this limit is reached the log file will be deleted and a new log file will be created.





Error Handling / Logging


Additional to logging error messages in the respective log files all error messages are also logged in the application's exception text file. This file is located in the application's AppData folder. This is the same location where the settings file is located. See here for location details. If any errors have been encountered the folder will contain a text file which contains all exceptions: Exceptions.txt


In general within image acquisition or processing the app will try to recover from any errors and re-try the task that failed. If however an error has been raised consecutively for a set number of times the application will stop the process that's causing it. The trigger threshold can be set in the advanced settings under 'Max Exception Count' i.e. the application will try to recover until the set number of consecutive errors is reached where it will stop the offending process. Once this threshold has been reached a critical log message will be raised which can be configured to send an email message to the user. See below for details.



FTP Logging


To aid in the troubleshooting of ftp problems id is possible to turn on 'Ftp Logging' in the application logging settings. If turned on, an FtpLog.txt file will be created in the application's app data folder (same as for error log) which will log all ftp commands issued and received. Please ensure this is turned off for normal operations.



Email Notifications


The application can send critical messages to the user via email if configured within the settings. Critical messages include:


Image Acquisition has stopped due to continuous errors
Image Processing has stopped due to continuous errors
'Latest Image' creation or ftp transfer has continuous errors
Detection image ftp transfer has continuous errors


Critical messages are triggered when a series of consecutive errors occurs within the application. The trigger threshold can be set in the advanced settings under 'Max Exception Count' i.e. the application will try to recover until the set number of consecutive errors is reached.

