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The help tab offer the following functions:




It shows the AppVersion you are using and the name of the settings file currently in use
It allows you to open the help file by clicking the 'Open Help File' button
It allows you to open the support forum page of the AllSkEye website
It allows you to export settings and logs to help in troubleshooting
It shows you the license agreement you have consented to when you started to use the app
It shows you the 3rd party components license agreements for all third party code used in this app


Additionally the tab provides controls to change between the Standard and PRO version of AllSkEye and licensing related functions. For full details please see here: Standard / PRO Version



Get Help


For information on how to get help please click here.



Export Settings and Logs


This function has been added to aid troubleshooting software issues by copying important files to one folder location from where they can be easily added to an email as attachments (the original files will be kept in place). Clicking the 'Export Settings and Logs' button will copy the following files to a folder of your choice:


AllSkEye Settings
Error Log (if found)
Ftp Log (if found)
All log files (General, Acquisition, Processing)


You can choose to 'Sanitise' the settings file by ticking the provided box. This will remove any sensitive information such as FTP/Email log on details and servers (active by default).